Tuesday, April 19, 2011

First Post!

Here's the thing: I read a lot. Since I was little, reading has always appealed to me for the same reason the quote above talks about.  It's one of my favorite things to do on any given weekend morning, or any time at all really.  

Because of that, I have gotten pretty good at recommending books to my friends and family. So why not make it easier and send people to a website instead of wracking my brain for whatever book I've read recently?  Hence, Second Epilogue. A look at the book after the end of the book. 

Have you ever had this happen to you: A book "grabs" you at a completely inconvenient time and before you know it, it's 2am on a Tuesday, you've finished a book that at 10 you were only halfway through, and you have to get up in four hours? Those books are the best. And here I’ll try to write about the books that grab me, the ones that don’t, and everything, including thrillers and chick lit, that falls somewhere in between. 

Here's a basic rating system: 

1- Total waste of time
2- Didn't like it, but still OK with having read it
3- OK, but I don't need to read it again
4- Will definitely read it again
5- Buy immediately to read over and over again

Happy Reading! 

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