Well, hello anyone who still might read posts on this blog! (hi mom!) It’s been awhile. I kind of lost track of things and stopped writing reviews. Full reviews that is. I had lots of things to say about the books I’ve read in the last two months, but I admit, I’ve been stuck. This book is nearly singlehandedly to blame. Chronologically, it was the book I read after Attachments, so it had to come next. Right? Well, I’m giving up on that. Honestly, I have no idea what to say about it, and a month away from it hasn’t helped things. So. Without further ado, something a little different. Five things about this book and a short summary:
Age of Miracles is about a girl growing up in what is referenced as the end of the world. But it’s not. Something has caused Earth to spin more slowly on its axis, making days and nights longer and time essentially slowing. Intriguing, right? Five things.
1.Lots of wasted potential. Really interesting idea, no follow through at all, no sense of urgency. Basically it’s a story about people living their lives in unusual circumstances. But the unusual circumstances don’t ultimately affect them all that much.
2. So depressing, which I didn’t expect.
3. Excellent writing. Despite the way the review sounds, I did care about the characters. Ultimately this is a story about a teenage girl, and what 26 year old female can’t relate to that?
4. Could have been so much better. See #1.
5. Overall, I don’t think I can recommend this one. Amazon let me down here, which doesn’t happen often. I couldn’t believe this was one of their best books of the year (so far).
3. Overwhelmingly meh.
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