Girls in White Dresses is, at its core, a story about growing up, a story about a group of friends who have graduated from college and have no idea what to do with themselves when faced with the real world. I think that, essentially, is why I liked it so very much.
I admit that when I started this book I was expecting something entirely different. Something like J. Courtney Sullivan’s Commencement, which was about four college roommates and their lives during and after school. This has the same pretense, but is even more identifiable. It’s more of a collection of short stories like The Imperfectionists, but it revolves around the same group of friends, who are all adjusting to life after college. I would have liked slightly more cohesiveness, because I couldn’t entirely keep up with how each girl was related to the other ones. But that is a pretty minor complaint, and once I stopped trying to figure out their relationships, I had completely given into the book and was loving it.
I constantly found myself nodding along or completely identifying with the characters. The kindle version of the book is highlighted right and left with sentences that sound like me, or sound like something that I have thought in the past.
5- I highly recommend this to any woman in her 20s trying to figure out what to do with her life after college. I still can’t really believe how many parts of this book were so perfect. When I finished this I wanted to buy it in hard copy so I could keep it on a bookshelf forever and read it whenever I feel lost and like I have no idea what I’m doing with my life. If only so I know that I’m not the only person who has ever felt that way.
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