This was the first Michael Connelly book I’ve read, after hearing a lot about how good he is. I’m happy to say that there will be many more. I really enjoyed The Scarecrow.
I’m not happy to say that I didn’t realize this was a sequel until I was about halfway through. It’s really my only complaint about reading this book, which isn’t much to complain about.
So… this is the second book in the series about journalist Jack McEvoy, and as I understand it, it’s fairly similar: journalist and everyman uncovers a nefarious murder… danger ensues. You know, the typical thriller setup. But what made this one so good was Connelly’s writing. I was invested in McEvoy without even having read the first / set up book and missing some of his back story. And his dealings with The Scarecrow, a dangerous serial killer who is revealed to the reader before McEvoy can discover him, were equally well written. Not only that, but Connelly is very thorough. There were no plot holes at all, and he is meticulous and detailed in an incredibly interesting way. I will definitely be going back to read The Poet and will be reading (not just listening to) the Harry Bosch novels, arguably his most well known. So nicely done Mr. Connelly, I’m obviously hooked.
Basically I don’t have a lot to say about this audio book except that I really liked it, and I haven’t liked a thriller writer this much since I started reading James Patterson’s books.
4, maybe 5 stars. I’m pretty excited to read The Poet.
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